We are a spirit-filled church family who love the Lord Jesus Christ and express that love in lively praise and worship and in caring relationships. Our church is a community filled with many cultures, a mix of ages with diverse backgrounds and life circumstances. We are all here to connect, support and grow in the purpose
God has placed on our lives.
Love God, Love People and Love Life.
Our Goal is to promote God's amazing love to anyone and everyone so that they may become
fully devoted followers of Christ.
We believe that to love God with all our heart, soul and mind is the most fulfilling and intimate relationship any believer can attain too. As a result of that relationship, we believe that the ongoing pursuit of full devotion to Jesus Christ should be the desire of every believer.
We believe that all people are loved by God and therefore must be valued and loved by those of His church. We are committed to caring for others within our church and beyond our church.
We believe that being a fully devoted follower of Christ, a Christian is a lifestyle and it is the most rewarding, fulfilling and successful life you can live.
Ps James and Michelle Hewitt
Ps James and Michele have been senior pastors of Port City Christian Church since 1997. James previously served in the church as Youth Pastor and ACC Capricornia Regional leader, and Michele has served in many areas from youth to children’s ministry to women’s ministry. They have three beautiful daughters, two son in laws and five grandchildren
James and Michelle have had numerous opportunities to see God do some amazing things in the lives of people in the local church as well as in the wider region.
James and Michele are a couple who are passionate about knowing and serving God. Their personal mantra, which is also the church’s, is Love God, Love People and Love Life. Together, they count it a privilege to be a part of Port City Christian Church and serving the people of the Gladstone region.

Ps James and Michele Hewitt
Ps Malcolm and Sandy Cusack
Malcolm, Sandy and their family have actively served in various areas of ministry in Port City Christian Church since moving to Gladstone in 1997. Malcolm has served full time as Assistant Pastor since 2006 whilst Sandy has served in areas such as children’s ministry, women’s ministry and Bible College.
They have raised three wonderful young adults, two of which are married. They have three grandchildren.
Malcolm and Sandy have a passionate desire to see Christians maturing in their faith and serving the body of Christ with their God given gifts and abilities. Their heart is to see lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Together, they minister in the local church and community.

Ps Malcolm and Sandy Cusack

Creative and Music Director
Kate Frost

Children's Ministry Director and Women's Ministry Director
Michele Hewitt

Youth Director
Joel Frost

Filippino Service Coordinator
Efron Estoya

Ps James Hewitt

Geoff Frost

Tristan Dawson

Josiah Anjorin